Monday, December 2, 2013

Me and Dee

We've now taken to calling Deepak Chopra just Dee, because I feel we are that intimate.  I'm still reading his book, though it was getting way too involved for my tastes (no pun intended) so I skipped a portion on what certain things do to your body.  I jumped ahead to today's exercise, which is a meditation and I have already forgotten what it is exactly, but I know it's about being aware.

I craved these this morning:

and a walk, because it's beautiful out, but I have to get to work, so the walk will have to happen later.

Also on my list today is finding and purchasing a menorah...more on that to come!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

You Are What You Read

I am currently reading, Mad About the Boy, by Helen Fielding.  It's the third book in the Bridget Jones series and it's a total escape.

I often read more than one book at a time, usually one fiction and one non-fiction.  My current non-fiction read is Deepak Chopra's, What Are You Hungry For?  It has made me want to eat more of these:

It's all about awareness and "lightness of soul," which are really good things.  Here are four ways I lighten my soul (currently, though not always consistently):

1)  Read inspiring books (I'm also reading God Never Blinks, by Regina Brett)

2)  Exercise (the elliptical is my biggest mode of exercise right now)

3)  Meditate (using a cd and meditating for 10 minutes)

4)  Write thank you notes (part of this is for my job and part of this is because I know the benefits to me and hopefully to the recipient)

I feel the need for a fifth way, so today I will see if something strikes!